
These documents will provide information on certain problems which may occur and help you troubleshoot to resolve them.

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If you recieve the following error: Error 403 'You are not authorised to view this resource' When attempting to create an event whilst logged in as a Super Administrator, then you probably: enabled authorised user mode for event editing/creation Enabled authorised user mode for event editing/creation (JEvents Configuration -> Permissions) And did not set up the Super Admin user as an authorised event creator, in JEvents cPanel -> Authorised Users. To fix this you should setup th.....
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You may see this message on some servers when you try to save an event. It arises because you have configured JEvents to check for overlapping events when you save a new or changed event.  If you don't need this on your site then disable this option - if you do want to block overlapping events then please read on: It is usually caused by the fact that your server cannot run the script components/com_jevents/libraries/checkconflict.php usually because you have installed a security setting .....
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Some Rockettheme templates break the event editing pages of JEvents by attempting to replace the normal html radio buttons with fancy images. Their script to do this does not work properly so you should disable this option as follows:If you edit the template settings, choose advanced, then add
 to the input styling exclusions .....
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If when creating an event you cannot select any categories please check / try the below: 1. Did you enable authorised user mode in JEvents? If 'Enable User Authorisation' is set to yes, then you need to add each and every user irrelvant of their Joomla! Usergroups/Access Levels to the JEvents Authorised Users in the Control Panel. Note:- You must set to all or individually selected calendars/categories when adding the user, otherwise they will not be shown a calendar or categories.&nbs.....
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Hidden Tooltips If you find that the popup summary tooltip on the JEvents Calendar appears underneath other elements on your page or doesn't appear at all then you need to apply a simple CSS tweak. 1. Make sure you are using the joomla style tooltip in the JEvents config (monthly calendar tab). 2. Add this CSS to your template.css file (or other css file that is loaded on your site):
.jevtip-tip {z-index:999;}
Transparent Tooltips If the background color of your tooltip is .....
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1. White Page or Error Message 'Out of Memory' If you encounter problems installing or upgrading JEvents as a normal component please the followingPossible solution 0 : Try the tar.gz package instead of the larger zip package.Possible solution 1 : installing from a directory.1. Unzip the JEvents package on your local computer2. Upload the unzipped file to a temporary folder on your server e.g. /home/user/httpdocs/tmp/jevents/3. Go to the Joomla install page and type the full path where you upl.....
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Some users find that after creating events in the backend of Joomla these do not show up on the frontend of their site.  This article explains the common reasons for this and provides the solutions you need. 1. Events Not Published or Access Incorrect Make sure the events you have created are published and you have set the access level to 'public' (unless the events are for restricted viewing of course). 2. Category or Calendar Not Published or Access Incorrect You should also make sur.....
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NOTE: If you are using the latest versions of JEvents and still are having display/access issues please let us know in the fourm. We are endeavouring to load from the front end rather than backend now. If you want to password protect your admin interface to Joomla then you will find that frontend editing of Events won't work without giving your username/password each time. This is because JEvents uses some of the backend stylesheets and images from Joomla to save duplication of code. The.....
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If your tooltips don't appear in the monthly calendar, or the calendar popup doesn't work when editing events in the frontend of your site then its probably a javascript library clash. JEvents uses the official Joomla javascript library MooTools but some module, plugin or template developers choose to use an incompatible library called jQuery. If you get these problems look at your javascript error logs you and if you see error messages like 'window.addEvent is not a function', then this is p.....
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Are your popups in JEvents (event editing, club addons etc) right aligned? This is because your template provider has failed to give you a complete template - you are missing the crucial component.php file.  Copy this file from the ja_purity template to your template folder and everything will be left aligned again. .....
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This is possibly because you are running php 5.3.x+ and the HTML form being submitted has more than 1000 elements in it.  The JEvents config can exceed this number.  From PHP 5.3 onwards it has a default limit of 1000 on form input variables and therefore needs increasing. Before editing your .htaccess file, ONLY edit it through FTP or a Control Panel, NOT your site. To resolve this please add this to the bottom of your .htaccess file[codep]# JEvents form submission issuephp_value .....
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This is a quick note to help you diagnose white pages or partially loaded pages. White Pages If you see a completely white page with no messages then this is most likely caused by running out of memory in PHP.    Look at the php info tab of the Joomla system info from help menu in backend of your site. Search for "memory_limit" - if this is less than 16M the increase this to 24M (say).  You can do this via your php.ini, .htaccess or using a Joomla Plugin like this one by .....